
0001 – Introduction

Hello everybody! Welcome to this brand new podcast I’m starting! My name is Renee Brooks. You may know me. You may not. That’s also fine. This podcast is going to be called, “Oven and Echoes” – and so what can you expect from this podcast? Well, whether you’re here for the cookies, the conversation, or the cause, there’s always something in the oven, so grab a seat, and let’s make some noise.

Yeah, no that’s super cheesy. But I really liked it.

So really what this is going to be, is I’ve learned about how podcasts’ operate as a whole, and what I’m going to use this for…I’m actually going to kind of mis-use how podcast systems work. And I’m going to use it as a way to add narration for my articles for all the different websites and different businesses that I have. Which I think is going to be really cool. But, it just means that if you listen to this podcast episode-to-episode episode, it’s not gonna make any sense because there’s gonna be sometimes I’m gonna be talking about an anime that I really like, or then I’m gonna be talking about how my business is helping people in West Virginia. Like, who knows? It’s going to be very random. So, depending on what you have a fancy for maybe follow the individual one, or if you like me as a whole FOLLOW THIS, this will have everything…everything to do with me, but it’s not gonna be cohesive in any way shape, or form. So strap in – buckle up, it’s gonna be f-uuuuuun! But uh…

Let’s get down to brass tacks. So I have a lot of stuff going on. So like I said, I am Renee Brooks and I am the owner of BAKr, B A K r, which is like a little home bakery that I started and I started the business…that business so that I could learn about how businesses operate as a whole – like because my other business which is Small Business & Sundry LLC, that’s like the MAIN BUSINESS. I want to be able to help people with their small businesses but it was funny that I started this whole project with Small Business & Sundry and I realized – I’m like – I don’t necessarily have business experience but I have a lot of problem solving experience. Like I love encountering problems and finding solutions for them. I don’t like having an absolute-ton-of-problems to solve because that’s stressful, nobody wants that. But I’m just very good at solving problems – if like – if I’m not overwhelmed

So then I want to kind of use this as a platform to show others. How it doesn’t really matter what kind of like education you’ve had any kind of past history that you’ve had. If you’re willing to work and improve on yourself, you can do anything. Like, it’s going to take a lot of effort though. You can’t just like magically get something done.

It’s going to take some effort. So this is pretty much like a way for me to have – like my effort documented for all of the different things that I’m doing because like I said, I got my bakery running. I want to help other small businesses with their problems. And then I also have a sticker business that I have still yet. I still have yet to practice on, you know, but I’m 33. I still have a lot of time to do all of this other crazy nonsense. So yeah, that’s kind of what all of this is going to be. It’s just gonna be a huge mishmash of what makes Renee…

Me like what makes me, me and I just really hope that if you’re curious about me and if you want to learn more or if you want to…I don’t know…if you want to have a different view on something follow along. Because we don’t get forever, but we do get to leave something behind. These are my echoes baked fresh, served real, and made to last. -wink-

Okay. That was another cheesy one that I wanted to use, but it’s there now. So uh, yeah, I hope you’re having a good day and I hope this message finds you well. I hope you have a great day. Bye.

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